The Bible Came From Arabia

The Bible Came From Arabia

Date Of Publication: 24th Oct 2011
Author: Kamal SALIBI
Barcode 9789953260921
AED 89.25

Product Description

Description Kamal Salibi, professor of history at the American University of Beirut, reveals startling linguistic evidence which controversially suggests that Judaism originated not in Palestine but in west Arabia. Whilst looking at the gazetteer of Saudi place names, he noticed a remarkable concentration of Biblical place names in an area of 600km long by 200km wide (the region of ''Asir). Ancient Hebrew, like Arabic, was written without vowels, Salibi believes that scholars of the sixth century might have added the vowels wrongly when standardizing texts, and so he went back to the original unvowelled Old Testament to prove his theory - and it did. The geography of Palestine has never corresponded in any way to the apparently specific stories on the Bible. Salibi''s research authenticates the events as history for the first time - but within an Arabian setting. This book has caused a predictable storm amongst academics and politicians. The issue is of such importance that everyone should read the evidence first-hand. Biographical note كمال الصليبي – من أهمّ المؤرِّخين اللبنانيّين (1929-2011). حاز شهادة في العلوم السياسيّة من الجامعة الأميركيّة في بيروت، ألحقها بدكتوراه في تاريخ الشرق الأوسط من جامعة لندن. عَلّم في الجامعة الأميركيّة ثمّ تبوّأ فيها منصب رئيس دائرة التاريخ وعِلم الآثار. أسَّس عام 1994 المعهد الملكي للدراسات الدينيّة في الأردن وترأسه حتى العام 2004، حين أصبح مستشارًا لمؤسّسة التراث الدرزيّ، منصب ظلّ فيه حتى تاريخ وفاته. لـكمال الصليبي كتب متعدّدة منها: The Bible Came from Arabia، بلاد الشام في العصور الإسلاميّة، منطلق تاريخ لبنان، ،Une maison aux nombreuses demeures Histoire du Liban، الصادرة عن دار نوفل.-Kamal Salibi, professor of history at the American University of Beirut, reveals startling linguistic evidence which controversially suggests that Judaism originated not in Palestine but in west Arabia. Whilst looking at the gazetteer of Saudi place names, he noticed a remarkable concentration of Biblical place names in an area of 600km long by 200km wide (the region of 'Asir). Ancient Hebrew, like Arabic, was written without vowels, Salibi believes that scholars of the sixth century might have added the vowels wrongly when standardizing texts, and so he went back to the original unvowelled Old Testament to prove his theory - and it did. The geography of Palestine has never corresponded in any way to the apparently specific stories on the Bible. Salibi's research authenticates the events as history for the first time - but within an Arabian setting. This book has caused a predictable storm amongst academics and politicians. The issue is of such importance that everyone should read the evidence first-hand.