Product Description
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Short description/annotation
Biographical note
äÒÇÑ ÂÛÑí — ÑæÇÆí ÓæÑí ßÑÏí ãÞíã Ýí ÃæÓáæ. äÇÞÏ ÃÏÈí æãÊÑÌã ãä ÇááÛÇÊ ÇáÅäßáíÒíÉ æÇáÝÑäÓíÉ æÇáÅíØÇáíÉ æÇáÊÑßíÉ æÇáÝÇÑÓíÉ æÇáäÑæíÌíÉ æÇáßÑÏíÉ Åáì ÇáÚÑÈíÉ. Åáì ÌÇäÈ ÊÑÌãÊå ÚäÇæíä ãä ÇáÃÏÈ ÇáÚÇáãí¡ ÃÕÏÑ ãÌãæÚÉ ãä ÇáÑæÇíÇÊ ãä ÈíäåÇ «ÃæÑÇÞ ÇáãáÇ ÒÚÝÑÇ仡 «ßÇßÇ æÇáÌÏÇÑ». «ÔÇÑÚ ÓÇáã» åí ÑæÇíÊå ÇáÃæáì Úä ÏÇÑ äæÝá.-Salem Street is a homeland; a homeland that has been stolen, reclaimed, and stolen once again from those who fought for it. In reality, it has not fully become a homeland yet; like all our homelands, it remains a dream. It holds forgotten heroes and unsung soldiers, rebels and challengers of authority, as well as the submissive. There are numerous contractors and a few palaces whose owners live a life beyond the imagination of others. Amidst all this, a girl stands out, possessing nothing but her pen… and the eyes of a Peshmerga fighter filled with dreams. Those eyes, brimming with determination, are ever watchful, having seen more than allowed, provoking a mouth that refuses to stay silent.In Salem Street, you''ll find executioners and victims, oppressed individuals who are sacrificed, and frustrated revolutionaries. Threatening messages loom, ready to extinguish the lives of those who dare to dream of changing the reality and taking a step toward the dream homeland. This novel serves as a living testimony, where a Kurd articulates,in Arabic, the anguish his homeland caused him, and the pain he endures watching it suffer.