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ßÇä ãÇ ßÇä - ØÈÚÉ ÌÏíÏÉ

Date Of Publication: 15th Apr 2013
Author: ãíÎÇÆíá äÚíãÉ
Barcode 9789953269115
AED 28.35
Almost gone

Product Description

Description تتفرّد دار هاشيت أنطوان، تحت دمغة نوفل، بنشر أعمال ميخائيل نعيمه، وهو أحد أبرز الأدباء العرب المعاصرين وأدباء المهجر اللبنانيين. تتميّز كتاباته بمحاولات تنقية الأدب العربي من الزخارف والكلام الزائد، والاقتراب من تصوير واقع الأشياء والأحداث. وقد انطبع أسلوبه بالبساطة والوضوح والصراحة، وببعده عن المبالغة، لا سيّما في الوصف أو السرد أو التصوير، كما تبدو ألفاظه أقرب إلى اللّهجة العاميّة أحيانًا، ما يزيد رغبة القرّاء، من كلّ الأعمار، في مطالعة كتبه. Biographical note وُلدَ المفكّر والقاصّ والشاعر ميخائيل نعيمه في بسكنتا عند سفح صنين عام 1889. تابع دراسته في فلسطين ثمّ في أوكرانيا الروسية، قبل أن يستقرّ في الولايات المتحدة حيث نال شهادة في الآداب وأخرى في الحقوق وأسّس مع بعض مجايليه من أدباء المهجر «الرابطة القلمية». عام 1932، عاد إلى بسكنتا حيث قضى وقته في الكتابة ولقِّب بـ «ناسك الشّخروب» لما اتّسم به نتاجه الأدبي من نزعة تصوّفية ورؤية فلسفية. توفّي عام 1988 عن 99 عامًا بعد أن أثرى المكتبة العربية بعشرات الكتب في مختلف المجالات الأدبية والفلسفية والشعرية.-Hachette Antoine Publishing House, under the imprint of ""Naufal,"" stands out for its publication of the works of Mikhail Naimy, one of the most prominent contemporary Arab writers and Lebanese expatriate writers. His writings are characterized by attempts to purify Arabic literature from ornamentation and excessive speech, and to approach the depiction of the reality of things and events. His style is marked by simplicity, clarity, and frankness, and he avoids exaggeration, especially in description, narration, or depiction. His language sometimes appears closer to colloquial dialect, which increases the desire of readers of all ages to read his books. These stories from “The Barren Woman” to “Her New Year”, “The Bey’s Joy” and others, all revolve around the homeland or the diaspora. They deal with the afflictions, problems, and issues of life that individuals, who live and breathe the local culture, face and struggle with. However, Naimy, armed with that Russian realism with a psychological and humanistic direction, strives not to be a photographic recorder in his art, for life only works through the living being, and it always works from the inside out. On the other hand, he does not leave us as mere observers, but rather takes us into the intimate inner world of his characters, so we see through their eyes, feel their emotions, and suffer their sufferings. We perceive how each one of them is ultimately a captive of their internal makeup, so they struggle with problems they consider external, while they are brilliant from within, and the key to their solution is in their own hands.Hachette Antoine Publishing House, under the imprint of ""Naufal,"" stands out for its publication of the works of Mikhail Naimy, one of the most prominent contemporary Arab writers and Lebanese expatriate writers. His writings are characterized by attempts to purify Arabic literature from ornamentation and excessive speech, and to approach the depiction of the reality of things and events. His style is marked by simplicity, clarity, and frankness, and he avoids exaggeration, especially in description, narration, or depiction. His language sometimes appears closer to colloquial dialect, which increases the desire of readers of all ages to read his books.These stories from “The Barren Woman” to “Her New Year”, “The Bey’s Joy” and others, all revolve around the homeland or the diaspora. They deal with the afflictions, problems, and issues of life that individuals, who live and breathe the local culture, face and struggle with. However, Naimy, armed with that Russian realism with a psychological and humanistic direction, strives not to be a photographic recorder in his art, for life only works through the living being, and it always works from the inside out. On the other hand, he does not leave us as mere observers, but rather takes us into the intimate inner world of his characters, so we see through their eyes, feel their emotions, and suffer their sufferings. We perceive how each one of them is ultimately a captive of their internal makeup, so they struggle with problems they consider external, while they are brilliant from within, and the key to their solution is in their own hands.